I have been trying to mimic GoogleReader's Json output, particularly the subscription listing. I started out creating classes for deserialization but I don't have a full grasp of the concepts. It crashes when I really try to consume the Json file, but when I generate my own serialized file it looks just right. I don't know what's going wrong. Thus far this is the progress I made:

[DataContract(Name = "subscriptionsList")]
public class Subscription
    [DataMember(Name = "subscriptions")]
    public List<SubscriptionItem> Subscriptions = new List<SubscriptionItem>();
    public Subscription()

public class SubscriptionItem
    [DataMember(Name = "id")]
    internal string id;
    public string Id
            return id;
            id = value;
    internal string title;
    public string Title
            return title;
            title = value;
    internal string sortid;
    public string SortId
            return sortid;
            sortid = value;
    internal string firstitemmsec;
    public string LatestUpdate
            return firstitemmsec;
            firstitemmsec = value;

    [DataMember(Name = "categories")]
    internal Categories categories;
    public Categories Categories
            return categories;
            categories = value;

[CollectionDataContract(Name = "categories")]
public class Categories : List<string>
    public Categories()
    : base()

    public Categories(string[] items)
    : base()
        foreach (string item in items)

A comparison of the Json original format:

	"title":"BBC Sport | Football | UK Edition",

and the output of my DataContracts:


I found one error: the DataMember attribute has to precede the class attributes or properties that are to be used for serialization/deserialization.
I fixed this and ran it through Windows Phone 7's own Json Deserializer method and it worked like clockwork. :)

Strangely though I still get the same error when I run this using the desktop .Net deserializer method for Json. I wish to learn why this is happening.

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