I'm trying to select a good IO module.
My goal is industrial control: sensors and push buttons for inputs and ssr's and lamps for outputs.
I have VB 6.0 (not professional) I'm looking for about 16 I and 16 O. . . once recieving the module, typically, are there any libraries or modules that need to be installed . . . or is it relatively 'write code, plug, and go'?

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So, do you have a question ?

question was at the end: [concerning using IO modules with VB 6.0]
Are there any special libraries that need to be installed; or is simply- write code, plug in, and use?

One more question: What are some good types/brands of IO modules?
I have seen 'Measurment Computing SSR08' , 'DigiBee', and something from 'Southwest'.

or is it relatively 'write code, plug, and go'?

Apart from hardware drivers, yes, it is code, plug and use. You will be interacting with the drivers or "readers to convert the data, so I suggest you read up some more on byte coding, binary, hexadecimal etc coding.


Only a pleasure. I'm sure we will still hear a lot from you, hex etc. coding is quite involved, so post your questions if you have any questions.:)

Happy coding...

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