jkaplan 0 Newbie Poster


I have a program that goes out and fetches an XML daily and then parses it. Sometimes it does not get the latest version. When I put the URL into my browser, it too does not show the latest version. Then when I do a Shift-Refresh, it updates and it. I am guessing this is a caching issue. Any ideas on how I can resolve this? I put the code below.

Thank you for any help!

'Downloaded Weather Forecast from NOAA
            Dim strWeatherURL As String = URL
            Dim strSavePath As String = TempFolderLocation & "\wxforecast_" & Municipality & ".xml"

            'Delete any existing weather forecast data
            Dim f As New IO.FileInfo(strSavePath)

            If f.Exists Then
            End If

            'Download data
            My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile(strWeatherURL, strSavePath)