Need help in finishing this problem. I was doign ok at first but somehow ran into 2 compile errors. Now I'm tired and going in circles. I need a fresh pair of eyes to look it over. This is my first time doing arrays.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main()

string first, last, code, name;
int number;"report.txt");"people3.txt");

{string state_codes 

string state_names 

cout<<"                                  PEOPLE REPORT"<<endl;

cout<<"                                    FALL 2006"<<endl;

cout<<"FIRST "<<"       LAST "<<"         SS "<<"          STATE "<<"         


cout<<"NAME  "<<"       NAME "<<"       NUMBER"<<"         CODE  "<<"         


outfile<<"                                PEOPLE REPORT"<<endl;

outfile<<"                                  FALL 2006"<<endl;

outfile<<"FIRST "<<"        LAST "<<"         SS "<<"          STATE 

"<<"         STATE"<<endl;

outfile<<"NAME  "<<"        NAME "<<"       NUMBER"<<"         CODE 

"<<"          NAME"<<endl;
for(i = 0; i<16; i++)
 {cout <<left <<setw(2) <<state_codes[i] << " "
       <<setw(15) << state_names[i] << endl;
 return 0;

My output should look something like this... any help with finding my 2 compile errors would be appreciated.

                         FALL 2005
FIRST     LAST             SS               STATE        STATE
NAME      NAME           NUMBER             CODE         NAME
JOE       JONES          123-45-6789        NM          NEW MEXICO
BOB       SMITH          111-11-1111        AL          ALABAMA
JOHN      DOE            999-12-1234        AA          UNKNOWN
JEB       BUSH           111-11-1112        FL          FLORIDA
JIMMY     CARTER         222-22-2222        GA          GEORGIA
JANE      DOE            999-22-1111        ZZ          UNKNOWN
ROBERT    WHEATFIELD     888-88-0000        KS          KANSAS
JUNE      HAYSEED        222-22-3456        IA          IOWA
ARNOLD    SWARTZ         678-88-1111        CA          CALIFORNIA
HENRY     FORD           121-21-2121        MI          MICHIGAN
VIDA      BLUE           234-00-1111        CA          CALIFORNIA
JOHN      WAYNE          666-66-0000        CA          CALIFORNIA
WILLIAM   SWAMPRAT       555-55-0987        MS          MISSISSIPPI
MATTHEW   BLUNT          777-00-1111        MO          MISSOURI
DANIEL    BOONE          111-99-0000        MO          MISSOURI
ZEB       WASHINGTON     999-99-9999        X1          UNKNOWN

Here is my infile:

JOE JONES 123-45-6789 NM
BOB SMITH 111-11-1111 AL
JOHN DOE 999-12-1234 AA
JEB BUSH 111-11-1112 FL
JIMMY CARTER 222-22-2222 GA
JANE DOE 999-22-1111 ZZ
JUNE HAYSEED 222-22-3456 IA
ARNOLD SWARTZ 678-88-1111 CA
HENRY FORD 121-21-2121 MI
VIDA BLUE 234-00-1111 CA
JOHN WAYNE 666-66-0000 CA
MATTHEW BLUNT 777-00-1111 MO
DANIEL BOONE 111-99-0000 MO
ZEB WASHINGTON 999-99-9999 X1

could it be that infile and outfile are not defined? It would help if you posted the compile errors."report.txt");"people3.txt");

First off, I would suggest adding some tab characters "\t" instead of explicitly adding all the white spaces in. It makes your code really hard to read like it is.

Here Is The Corrected Code

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main()

string first, last, code, name;

ofstream outfile;

ifstream infile;"report.txt");"people3.txt");

string state_codes[10]={"AL","CA","FL","GA","IA","KS","MO","MI","MS","NM",};


cout<<"                                  PEOPLE REPORT"<<endl;

cout<<"                                    FALL 2006"<<endl;

cout<<"FIRST "<<"       LAST "<<"         SS "<<"          STATE "<<" STATE"<<endl;

cout<<"NAME  "<<"       NAME "<<"       NUMBER"<<"         CODE  "<<"  NAME"<<endl;

outfile<<"                                PEOPLE REPORT"<<endl;

outfile<<"                                  FALL 2006"<<endl;

outfile<<"FIRST "<<"        LAST "<<"         SS "<<"          STATE "<<"         STATE"<<endl;

outfile<<"NAME  "<<"        NAME "<<"       NUMBER"<<"         CODE "<<"          NAME"<<endl;

for(int i = 0; i<16; i++)
	cout <<left <<setw(2) <<state_codes[i] << " "<<setw(15) << state_names[i] << endl;
 return 0;

could it be that infile and outfile are not defined? It would help if you posted the compile errors."report.txt");"people3.txt");

I think that was part of my problem. Thanks... let me get back to it and figure the rest out. I wish I had taken better notes on arrays :o

First off, I would suggest adding some tab characters "\t" instead of explicitly adding all the white spaces in. It makes your code really hard to read like it is.

At first I didnt know what you ment but I looked up \t's in my book. AWESOME... I did ask my teacher for an easier way besides spaces but he said for me to just use spaces. I'll surprise him with this program with tabs.

Here Is The Corrected Code

Thanks.. I was getting a real headache. Let me get back to it... clean it up with tabs and figure out the rest of it.

After this program, I'm gonna go back to easier examples and start again from the beginning over Thanksgiving break.

Spaces over tabs -- always.

Ahh the good old printf("Name: %5s", value)...
I am sure I saw a format function somewhere in the stream classes but i have missplaced it!!!

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