I put this code to button_event:

01    On Error GoTo ErrT
02        If mValidateControl.Validate(txtKode0, txtKode0.Text <> "") = True Then
03            MsgBox "Kode Bahasa belum diisi"
04        Else
05        Rs.MoveFirst
06            If Not (Rs.EOF = True And Rs.EOF = True) Then
07            While Not Rs.EOF
08                If Rs("kdBhs") = txtKode0.Text Then
09                    MsgBox "data sudah ada"
10                Else
11                    Rs.AddNew
12                    Rs("kdBhs") = txtKode0.Text
13                    Rs("jnsBhs") = txtJenis2.Text
14                    Rs("nmBhs") = txtNama3.Text
15                    Rs.Update
16    '            sql = "Insert Into Bahasa"
17    '            Cmd.CommandText = sql
18    '            Cmd.Execute
19                End If
20                Rs.MoveNext
21            Wend
22            End If
23        End If
24    '       Rs.Requery
25    '       Rs.UpdateBatch
26           'MSHFlexGrid1.Redraw = True
27           'MSHFlexGrid1.Refresh
28            Call FillFromRecordset_FlexGrid(MSHFlexGrid1, Rs, False)
29    ErrT:
30    '   If Err = 2147467259 Then
31    '        'this will simply ignore the error and exit the routine
32    '        Exit Sub
33    '    Else
34    '        'this will display the error message for any other error that occurred
35            MsgBox "Data Sudah ada"
36            SelectTextFocus txtKode0
37    '        Exit Sub
38    '    End If

why every update database, flexgrid not show the last result from last updated database?

Create a procedure to select data from table and display it to flexgrid.
Then call this procedure after adding data or any at event that you want.

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