LoveMyPadres 2 Newbie Poster

HELP MR. WIZARD!! I have been using PySNMP for a while, talking to devices and getting values very successfully. I now need to set a TRAP; this is where you tell the device to notify me when something happens, and then you wait for it to happen. I'm guessing that I should use the asyncronous call for setting notifications, but I don't understand how to use it. I don't know what to provide as parameters to use it. I've seen the sytax in the pysnmp manual, but I don't know how to actually use it. I know that when the notification comes, it will be on port 162, and it makes sense to me that *something* will sit and listen to that port and then call a function that I provde to let me know that the value has changed, or the state has changed, or whatever. Do I have to provide the OID that I expect to arrive, is that what I tell the notication function? I'd really appreciate any help that I can get. Thank you!!

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