I have to make a Yahtzee game (in Delphi) for a project. I now have to write the pseudocode for the 'sixes' algorithm. I am using image lists and images for the dice faces, and am totally stuck on how to start the code. I am writing the proper code first so I can test it, then am turning into pseudocode.

Any help at all would be appreciated!!

P.S. for those of you unfamiliar with Yahtzee, the 'sixes' score adds all the sixes rolled in your hand of 5 dice.

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TImageList Members

function Add(Image: TBitmap; Mask: TBitmap): Integer;
function AddIcon(Image: TIcon): Integer;
procedure AddImages(Value: TCustomImageList);
function AddMasked(Image: TBitmap; MaskColor: TColor): Integer;
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