Okay, so what I am trying to do is pull user data from a phpBB forum site, basically just what a member's ID is, their "rank", join date, and the other information fields that are generally displayed on their account to the public.
The problem is, the site is setup so that only registered users can see the member section of the board. So regardless of what my custom URL is to find a user's profile page, the HTML source code will not display the fields since the URL does not have my "logins" so to speak. The forum sees my url as an unregistered and gives it limited access.
So, is there a way to somehow have the url run using my own logins for the board, like from my stored passwords? That way when it goes to pull the data the board will think the program is really me just surfing the site rather than some unknown source.
I know that it could potentially leave me vulnerable since I would have my own data within the program, but I just want to know if it is possible, and how so? I think is, because I think I have seen it before where you mask the url somehow but I can't remember where I saw it at.
Also, phpBB doesn't have like a dev tool setup where you can make objects with access codes, so I just gotta brute it.
Thanks much!