I have a DLL file written in C++, using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. The socket class coding is an adaptation of http://www.adp-gmbh.ch/win/misc/sockets.html and the whole thing works when compiled as a 32 bit DLL, but the Internet connectivity does not work when I compile it as a 64 bit DLL. How can I get it to work when compiled as a 64 bit DLL?

Just a shot in the dark on this one. But if you're using Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection, it may be the source of your grief. It's rumored that this function breaks winsock.

Just a shot in the dark on this one. But if you're using Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection, it may be the source of your grief. It's rumored that this function breaks winsock.

Thanks for that information. I ended up giving up on that particular method, and am using totally different code and it works fine.

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