We're having a problem on computing the grade average

Dim hwTotal, swTotal, quizzes, project, midTerm, totalAverage, Finals, Attendance As Double
hwTotal = Val(hw1.Text) + Val(hw2.Text) + Val(hw3.Text) + Val(hw4.Text) + Val(hw5.Text) / 50 * 100 * 0.1
        swTotal = Val(sw1.Text) + Val(sw2.Text) + Val(sw3.Text) + Val(hw4.Text) + Val(hw5.Text) / 50 * 100 * 0.1
        quizzes = Val(q1.Text) + Val(q2.Text) + Val(q3.Text) + Val(q4.Text) + Val(q5.Text) / 50 * 100 * 0.15
        project = Val(p1.Text) + Val(p2.Text) + Val(p3.Text) + Val(p4.Text) + Val(p5.Text) / 50 * 100 * 0.2
        midTerm = Val(m.Text) / 100 * 100 * 0.2
        Finals = Val(f.Text) / 100 * 100 * 0.2
        Attendance = Val(a.Text) / 100 * 100 * 0.05

        'totalAverage = (hwTotal * 0.1) + (swTotal * 0.1) + (quizzes * 0.15) + (project * 0.2) + (midTerm * 0.2) + (Finals * 0.2) + (Attendance * 0.05)

        Label9.Text = hwTotal + swTotal + quizzes + project + midTerm + Finals + Attendance

Thanks in advance.

This thread is solved and no solution? :(

Sorry about that, me and my friend figured the problem and fixed it.

Should we still post the solution :D?

i think its a good idea. others wanting to know this can save themselves the trouble of posting a new thread by coming here for the answer

>>Should we still post the solution ?
I should down.vote your butt just for asking that question.:D

Adding on to azzdog_dev post,...
+= it keeps our forum a little more IT, Nothing Else .:)

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