Hi, I'm currently trying to program a sudoku solver.
As a beginner I wrote pseudocode to establish what I'd have to do. One of the first things was to make sure each number in each of the 3 x 3 grids aren't equal to any of the others. Here is my attempt. I'm pretty sure I've gone the long way around tackling this but it was the only way I was fairly confident I knew how to do, haha. txt1_2 means that it's the second number in the first 3 x 3 grid (from left to right). At the moment, even if I put in different numbers, it comes up with two of the 'error' message boxes. This code only focuses on the first 3 x 3 grid. Any help would be much appreciated!
Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnSolve_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSolve.Click
Dim Group1(8) As String
Dim Group2(8) As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Group1(0) = txt1_1.Text
Group1(1) = txt1_2.Text
Group1(2) = txt1_3.Text
Group1(3) = txt1_4.Text
Group1(4) = txt1_5.Text
Group1(5) = txt1_6.Text
Group1(6) = txt1_7.Text
Group1(7) = txt1_8.Text
Group1(8) = txt1_9.Text
For x = 0 To 8
Select Case x
Case Is = 8
If Group1(x) = Group1(0) Or Group1(1) Or Group1(2) Or Group1(3) Or Group1(4) Or Group1(5) Or Group1(6) Or Group1(7) Then
End If
Case x = 7
If Group1(x) = Group1(0) Or Group1(1) Or Group1(2) Or Group1(3) Or Group1(4) Or Group1(5) Or Group1(6) Or Group1(8) Then
End If
Case x = 6
If Group1(x) = Group1(0) Or Group1(1) Or Group1(2) Or Group1(3) Or Group1(4) Or Group1(5) Or Group1(7) Or Group1(8) Then
End If
Case x = 5
If Group1(x) = Group1(0) Or Group1(1) Or Group1(2) Or Group1(3) Or Group1(4) Or Group1(7) Or Group1(6) Or Group1(8) Then
End If
Case x = 4
If Group1(x) = Group1(0) Or Group1(1) Or Group1(2) Or Group1(3) Or Group1(7) Or Group1(5) Or Group1(6) Or Group1(8) Then
End If
Case x = 3
If Group1(x) = Group1(0) Or Group1(1) Or Group1(2) Or Group1(7) Or Group1(4) Or Group1(5) Or Group1(6) Or Group1(8) Then
End If
Case x = 2
If Group1(x) = Group1(0) Or Group1(1) Or Group1(7) Or Group1(3) Or Group1(4) Or Group1(5) Or Group1(6) Or Group1(8) Then
End If
Case x = 1
If Group1(x) = Group1(0) Or Group1(7) Or Group1(2) Or Group1(3) Or Group1(4) Or Group1(5) Or Group1(6) Or Group1(8) Then
End If
Case x = 0
If Group1(x) = Group1(7) Or Group1(1) Or Group1(2) Or Group1(3) Or Group1(4) Or Group1(5) Or Group1(6) Or Group1(8) Then
End If
End Select
End Sub
End Class