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Hey I need help making a isEqual method in my singly linked class. The goal is to prove that both list have the same elements without necessarily having the same order. Now my method does call a different method in the node class, and it's job is to to search the for the element int the list. Here are two different outputs:
Size of list1:
First list contains 4:
list1 is equal tolist2:

Size of list1:
First list contains 4:
list1 is equal tolist2:
Please help!!!

public boolean isEqual(SLinkedList obj){
      int count = 0;
      Node cursor;
      Node head2 = obj.head;
      Node tmp = obj.head.getNext();
      cursor = Node.listSearch(head.getNext(), tmp.getElement());
      while(cursor!= null){
          while(head2.getNext()!= null){
              head2 = head2.getNext();
          cursor = Node.listSearch(head.getNext(), head2.getElement());
          if(count==size) cursor = null;
      if(count == size){
          return true;
      return false;

I'd solved this using priority queues.
Simply input the values of both your lists into 2 seperate queues and compare the queues. As the queues are self-sorted you should end up with two equal queues, if the lists match ofc.
I'm not saying this is the best way, just saying its A way :)

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