I’ve build class with dynamic two dimensional array, and I’ve declared constructor and copy constructor and everything work fine until when I try assign object to object. Then I receive error in debugging. Probably something with copy constructor is wrong or eventually with destructor, but I don’t know how fix it.
Please correct it or give me solution.
Thank you!
I’m using visual c++

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std ;

class twodimfield
	size_t sizeP;
	string itsmali;
	int itsline, itsrow, itsFragment, nslova;
	char **polje;
	twodimfield(int nslova, string mali);
		twodimfield(const twodimfield &L);
twodimfield::twodimfield(int nslova, string mali)
	itsrow = nslova+1;
	itsmali = mali;
	sizeP = itsmali.size();
	itsline = sizeP;
	itsFragment = sizeP-(nslova-1);
	polje = new char * [itsline];
		for(int i=0; i<itsline; i++)
		{polje[i] = new char[itsrow];}

		for (int m=0; m<itsline; m++)
			{for (int n=0; n<itsrow; n++)
				{polje[m][n] = NULL;}}

		for (int i=0; i<itsFragment; i++)
			{string s2;
				for (int j=0; j<nslova; j++)
				{s2 = s2 + mali[i+j];}
					for (int l=0; l<itsrow; l++)
					{polje[i][l] = s2[l];}

twodimfield::twodimfield(const twodimfield &L)
	itsline = L.itsline;
	itsrow = L.itsrow;
	polje = new char * [itsline];
		for(int i=0; i<itsline; i++)
		{polje[i] = new char[itsrow];} 

		for(int k=0; k<itsline; k++)
		{for(int l=0; l<itsrow; l++)
		{polje[k][l] = L.polje[k][l];}
		cout<<"copy constructor"<<endl;
	for (int i=0; i<itsline; i++)
		{delete [] polje[i];}
			delete [] polje;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	int nslova=4;	
	string neki;
	neki = ("mariomario");
	twodimfield objekt2(5,neki);
	twodimfield objekt(4,neki);
	objekt2 = objekt;

	return 0;

1. Main problem is that you also need to define operator=.
2. you can simplify other parts. '
3. You need better formatting style. to make the code easier to read.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std ;

class twodimfield
	size_t sizeP;
	string itsmali;
	int itsline, itsrow, itsFragment, nslova;
	char **polje;
	twodimfield(int nslova, string mali);
	twodimfield(const twodimfield &L);
	void operator=(const twodimfield& t);

twodimfield::twodimfield(int nslova, string mali)
	int i;
	itsrow = nslova+1;
	itsmali = mali;
	sizeP = itsmali.size();
	itsline = sizeP;
	itsFragment = sizeP-(nslova-1);
	polje = new char * [itsline];
	for(i=0; i<itsline; i++)
		polje[i] = new char[itsrow];

	for (i=0; i < itsFragment; i++)
		string s2;
		for (int j=0; j<nslova; j++)
			s2 += mali[i+j];
		for (int l=0; l<itsrow; l++)
			polje[i][l] = s2[l];


twodimfield::twodimfield(const twodimfield &L)

void twodimfield::operator=(const twodimfield &L)
	itsline = L.itsline;
	itsrow = L.itsrow;
	polje = new char * [itsline];
	for(int i=0; i<itsline; i++)
		polje[i] = new char[itsrow];

	cout<<"copy constructor"<<endl;

	for (int i=0; i<itsline; i++)
		delete [] polje[i];
	delete [] polje;

int main()
	int nslova=4;	
	string neki("mariomario");
	twodimfield objekt2(5,neki);
	twodimfield objekt(4,neki);
	objekt2 = objekt;

	return 0;
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