cresenia1988 0 Newbie Poster

Sorry, this might be abit of a rush and sudden. I have to finish this program in 3 hours time. I would appreciate if there's any kind soul willing to help me with the code. Thank you.

Output of the program should be like this.

Top popular 12 words

1 of 6

2 the 5

3 all 3

4 people 3

5 some 3

6 times 3

7 and 2

8 can 1

9 fool 1

10 not 1

11 them 1

12 you 1

Below is the text file I'm suppose to read.

you can fool some of the people
some of the times, and all of the people some of
the times and not all of the people all of them times.


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

class Word
        Word (char *);

        int getSumASCII () const;
        void increment ();
        int getCount () const;
        char* getWord () const;
        int getKey () const;

        void setCount (int);
        void setWord (char*);
        void setKey (int);

        char *w;
        int count;

        int sumASCII () const;
        int n;


#include "Word.h"

    count = 0;

Word::Word (char *w)
    this -> w = new char [strlen(w) + 1];
    strcpy(this -> w, w);
    count = 1;

int Word::getSumASCII () const
    int sum = 0;
    char * p = &w[0];
    while(*p != '\0')
        sum += *p;
    return sum;    

void Word::increment ()

int Word::getCount () const
    return count;

char* Word::getWord () const
    return w;

int Word::getKey () const
    return n;

void Word::setCount (int count)
    this -> count = count;

void Word::setWord (char *p)
        w = p;

void Word::setKey (int n)
    this -> n = n;


#include "Word.h"

class HashTable

        void insertion (Word);
        void printTable () const;

        Word* wordArray;
        int size;


#include "HashTable.h"



HashTable::HashTable(int size)
    wordArray = new Word[size]; // insertion the size of the table

    char *ww = new char [20];

    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)

        wordArray[i].setWord ("\0");

    this-> size = size;

void HashTable::insertion (Word w)
    int n = w.getSumASCII () % size;
    int i = n;

    bool found = false;
    bool collision = false;

    while (!found)

        if (wordArray [i].getCount() == 0)

            cout << w.getWord () << "\t";

            cout << "with % value = " << n << " inserted"
                << endl;

            wordArray [i] = w;
            wordArray[i].setKey (n);
            found = true;
        else if (strcmp (wordArray[i].getWord (), w.getWord ()) == 0 && w.getCount() != 0)
            wordArray [i].increment ();
            cout << w.getWord () << "\t";

            cout << "increase count" << endl;

            found = true;
            collision = true;
            i = i % size;

    if (collision)
        cout << w.getWord () << "\t";

        cout << "with % value = " << n 
            << " inserted with collisions"
            << endl; 

void HashTable::printTable () const
    double num, rate;

    cout <<endl
        << "Summary of Hash table, position occupied" 
        << endl << endl;

    cout << "Element" 
        << "\t" << "\t"
        << "Word" << "\t"
        << "Sum ASCII" << "\t"
        << "Mod 15" << "\t" << "\t"
        << "Count" << endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        if(wordArray[i].getCount () == 0)

        cout << "Table ["
             << i << "]\t"
             << wordArray [i].getWord () << "\t"
             << wordArray [i].getSumASCII ()
             << "\t" << "\t"
             << wordArray [i].getKey () << "\t" << "\t"
             << wordArray [i].getCount () << "\t"
             << endl; 
    cout << endl;
    rate = (num /size) * 100;
    cout << "Occupancy rate: " << rate << "%";


#include "HashTable.h"

class BST
        BST ();
        ~BST ();

        void insert (Word *); //insert hash table
        bool findNode (Word) const;
        void printBST () const;

        struct Node;
        typedef Node* NodePtr;

        struct Node
            Word data;
            NodePtr left, right;

        NodePtr root;

        int compareWP (Word, Word) const;

        void insert (NodePtr&, Word);
        bool findNode (NodePtr, Word) const;
        void inorderPrint (NodePtr) const;


#include "BST.h"

    root = NULL;

    destroy (root);
        //destroy not declared

void BST::insert (Word * w) //inserting hash table
    insert (root, w);
        //Error will occur - resulted no matching function for call to 'BST::insert (BST::Node*&, Word*&)'


bool BST::findNode (Word w) const
    return findNode (root, w);

void BST::printBST () const
    inorderPrint (root);

/*int BST::compareWP (Word w1, Word w2) const
    //I'm wondering must I really compare the words?

void BST::insert (NodePtr& root, Word w)
    if (root == NULL)
        NodePtr temp = new Node;
        temp -> data = w;
        temp -> left = NULL;
        temp -> right = NULL;

        root = temp;
    else if (compareWP (root -> data, w) > 0)
        insert (root -> left, w);
        insert (root -> right, w);

bool BST::findNode (NodePtr root, Word w) const
    if (root == NULL)
        return false;
        int k = compareWP (root -> data, w);

        if (k == 0)
            return true;
        else if (k > 0)
            return findNode (root -> left, w);
            return findNode (root -> right, w);

void BST::inorderPrint (NodePtr) const



#include "HashTable.h"

int main()
    int size;
    int num;
    char* filename = new char [20];
    fstream fin;

    cout << "Enter the file name for analysis: ";
    cin >> filename;
    cout << endl;, ios::in);

        cout << "File unable to open!" << endl;

    cout << "Enter the size of hash table: ";
    cin >> size;

    HashTable table (size);

    cout << "How many top popular words?: ";
    cin >> num;

    cout << "Analysis of insertion" 
        << endl << endl;

    char* p = new char [20];

    while(fin >> p)
        //p = strtok (NULL, " .,?:;");
        Word w(p);
        table.insertion (w);      

    table.printTable ();

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