Hello everybody. I recently started a python temperature conversion program and seem to be stuck. Im fairly new so I tried several things such as a fuction to convert temperature and and if and else statement and both combined. My code lets me input a temperature but then doesn't convert it. My code is below, any help would be great!Thanks!
#Clesisus and Farenheit converter
import math
print('Hello.What is your name?')
print('Ok,+ myName +, Would you like to convert to celsisus or farenheit?')
if answer=='Celsius' or answer=='celsius':
print('Please enter the degree in farenheit in which you wish to convert.')
def covert_temperature(Farenheit):
return ((Farenheit-32)*5/9==celsius)
if answer=='Farenheit' or answer=='farenheit':
print('Please enter the degree in celsius in which you wish to convert.')