A parking garage charges a $2.00 minimum fee to park for up to three hours. After three hours, the garage charges an additional $0.50 per hour. However, the maximum fee will be $10.00. No one can park over 24 hours.

This is what I have:

public double calculate(double hours){
        if(hours <= 3)
            fee = 2.0; 
        else if(hours >= 3 & fee < 4)
             fee= (2.0 +( .50*hours));
        if(hours > 10)
            fee = 10.0;
        return fee;



There is my try :

public double calculate(double hours) throws Exception{

    double fees = 0;
    if(hours <= 3){
        fees = 2.00;
        if(hours > 3 && hours <= 24){
            fees = 2.00 + (hours - 3) * (0.50);
            if(fees >= 10)
                fees = 10;
            if(hours > 24)
                throw new Exception("Max hours is 24");

    return fees;


So if hours is greater than 24, the method don't give back any value, instead, it will throw an Exception which can be treated in a try...catch.

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