Bile 10 Newbie Poster

-->>Hi there,I have an AeroButton on my form that I have put an Image/Picture on it during design time...
-->>but I want the Image/Picture to change when the Button Change is clicked,I have used the following code to acomplesh that...

Private Sub Chocolate_Click()
'cmdPrevious.PictureNormal = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Skins\Chocolatebmp")
End sub

-->>When I run the program and click the Button named Chocolate an error occurs sayying

"Run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method"

-->>How can I fix that error please?
-->>Then I have a FileListBox Control on My form and loaded with some files when the form loads form the directory and the ...
-->>only problem here is that I want to let the User select the file He/She doesn't want and remove them,how do I do that?
-->>Any help 'll be appreciated.