class item
    string name;
    string code;
    double price;
class buyer
    string name;
    int count;
using namespace std;
int main()
    item item1;
    buyer buyer1,buyer2;
    double sum1,sum2,sumTotal;
    cout<<"enter name, code and price of item:"<<endl;
// The data for the first buyer
cout <<"Enter name and count of first buyer:"<<endl;
cin >>>>buyer1.count;
// The data for the second buyer
cout <<"Enter name and count of second buyer:"<<endl;
cin >>>>buyer2.count;
// Displaying of initial values
cout << "Initial data:" << endl;
cout << "Item "
<< ", code "
<< item1.code
<< ", price "
<< item1.price
<< endl;
cout << "The first buyer"
<< ", bought "
<< buyer1.count
<< endl;
cout << "The second buyer"
<< ", bought "
<< buyer2.count
<< endl;
// Calculations
sum1 = item1.price * buyer1.count;
sum2 = item1.price * buyer2.count;
sumTotal = sum1 + sum2;
// Displaying of results
cout << "Results:" << endl;
cout << "The first buyer spend " << sum1
<< " Lt" << endl;
cout << "The second buyer spend " << sum2
<< " Lt" << endl;
cout << "The total sum" << sumTotal
<< " Lt" << endl;
return 0;

Recommended Answers

All 3 Replies

The errors are coming :
1. ; missing before identifier name item, code, name.
2. code is not member of item.
3. name is not member of buyer.
c++ doesnot support default int

I am new and learning myself.

yes I got it...I did a basis mistake...
I should include the header files in the begining.

yes I got it...I did a basis mistake...I should include the header files in the begining.

The basic logic is yes.

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