hey all,

i am a newbie for c# and i wanna know where i can find good material to study c#.also, i did install c sharp compiler and wrote some code like hello world and used "csc a.cs" in msdosprompt. however it did not print anything but created an a.exe file instead.now i donot want to execute that file on the prompt.can anyone tell me how i can print the same helloworld on the prompt itself afterthe compiler compiles it.


... compiler and wrote some code like hello world and used "csc a.cs" in msdosprompt. however it did not print anything but created an a.exe file instead

csc is a compiler, it doesn;t run the program it translates your c# code into IL code in a file 'a.exe', now the .NET CLR (Common Language Runtime) can run it when you call a.exe from a command line.

C:\<directory where a.exe is\a.exe

You have created a "Console" program, that means you can only run it in a console window.

Search google with these terms for tutorials and books:

c# beginners

c# tutorials

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