I think RPA is independent as it's about automation. Which is fine if you're a factory drone. But it doesn't work for today's generation of workers, who are used to being treated with a little more respect to feel empowered about doing a job they believe in.
The real future of better process management is making it mainstream i.e.
Easy for anyone to model and run with it, with no consultants/IT/pain involved.

Easy for anyone to track it and do it within either a UI or a tool they already use for hours every day - e.g. chat apps

Easy to get pre-canned process improvement insights through machine learning tech to help show and fix bottlenecks.

Conversational - i.e. it's not robotic but feels like a human conversation - the way people actually work today.

Showing simple, real use cases - and elevated pain to 5 years ago. An example is the gig economy - since a large %ge of people do temp/flexible jobs now and it's increasing, it's even more important now to both define and track work in a simple, agile way.

The above are critical. Without any one of them - we're just back to the tired and dead BPM of today.

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@rproffitt I searched a lot about RPA on google but i can't find a related discussion.

Done right, sure. Be sure to check out my link where it didn't work out.

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