Create a program called staffSalary using GUI Java and add a class named Staff that will determine the monthly payment amount of and return a specific staff description.

The staff are getting paid differently base on the rate and numbers of hours worked. The staff also have different description based on the job. The staff class has 4 fields: staff_descrption, staff number, rate, hours worked. Write get and set methods for each field except rate. The get methods must prompt the user to enter the values for the following fields: staff_descrption, staff number and hours worked (Use JOptionPane for Input).

No staff will work more than 200 hours per month and no staff will be paid more than R500 per hour. This class also needs a method to calculate the monthlyPayment () and staffDescription () since staff members are getting paid differently and have different job description(s), the methods should be declared as abstract.

Add the following subclass staffInfos. The subclass override monthlyPayment () and staffDescription (). Use the get methods to calculate the monthly payment and to display the job description (Do not override set and get). The tax deduction will be as follows: Cleaner 14 %, Lecturer 20%, and Admin 17%)

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