Hello everyone,

I am working on an assignment which has me build a huffman tree. I am fairly confident that I have built my huffman tree correctly, but now I must get the Huffman code for the characters being encoded (I need to get the 1's and 0's). I am not sure how to do this. The tree does not seem to be in any particular order. Do I need to just try a path and if I don't find it, try the other way, or is there some other way I can use? Thanks for any help in advance.


Post what have you got till now. I dont properly undestand your question, but if you looking for the explanation for how to convert character to code you can look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huffman_coding

I'm pretty sure that my tree is built correctly. I am trying to figure out how to traverse the tree. For example, if my input file consisted of "this is a test", I believe I have built the tree correctly with the characters in the leaf nodes. My problem is how I will get to those nodes. I know that a 0 represents going left and a 1 represents going right, but I am confused on how I would know whether to go left or right. My code is provided below.

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So I guess we should ask do you know how to create a binary tree and do you know how to traverse the nodes in that tree.

If not, it should all be documented on the web, since it's quite a popular resource for data retrieval.

I'm fairly confident that I have created the binary tree correctly. Each individual tree has a pointer to the left and right sub trees with the exception of the leaf trees. If I have built a tree that looks like this:

                      4:                                                                2:
  2:a                             2:                                   1:d                      1:g
                          1:i                1:m

I know that the code for 'm' would be 011, But I am not sure how I would determine that in code. i.e. I am not sure how I determine whether i go left or right from any given node to ensure that I am going to find the correct node I am looking for. Thanks for your help, by the way.


Thank you, that did help a lot

I've got my tree printing correctly now, but I am now having a problem writing the code to traverse the tree and record the 1's and 0's to address each character in the leaf nodes. I know this should probably be a recursive function, but I cannot seem to figure it out. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.



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I've got my tree printing correctly now, but I am now having a problem writing the code to traverse the tree and record the 1's and 0's to address each character in the leaf nodes. I know this should probably be a recursive function, but I cannot seem to figure it out. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.



Ok assuming you have your tree set up correctly, you should have something like this:-


So now all you want is to find out what the binary code is for each letter. Each letter will occupy a leaf ( by definition a leaf is a node with no children). Therefore all you need is a root-to-leaf path algorithm and you will have your binary encodings!

Luckily, the following link, problem 7. shows you what the algorithm is for a root-to-leaf traversal. Look near the bottom.


Job done.

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