I just started c++ and programming and need some major help. I am trying to convert binary to decimal. I have searched through everything and its all to hard for me to understand,and uses terms ive never seen.

I need to convert the binary to dec, using % and / and only unsigned numbers.

Does anybody have suggestions. I need help to type in "1000101" seperate it into digits and then assign that digit its decimal number. It needs to be simple again I amvery new and the stuff on here seems to advanced for me.

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OK, so which step of
- read in "1000101"
- seperate it into digits
- and then assign that digit its decimal number
is confusing you?

I read in the binary form "011010"
I having trouble getting it into digits, and assigning that digit the value in decimal form.

I can only use unsign, % and / ...

I am getting down how to divide into digits using %10, but i cant assign it the decimal form.

this is as far as i have as to seperating it into digits, I dont know where to begin to take that digit, then assign it the decimal value

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
int main()
    int num;
    cout<<"Enter a Number : ";

    for(; num ; num/=10)


I read in the binary form "011010"

As a string or a number?

I having trouble getting it into digits,

This depends on the answer above.

and assigning that digit the value in decimal form.

Explain what decimal form means -- with an example.

It would really help if you posted your code so we know what you're doing. Most of the terms you use have multiple meanings and/or are ambiguous and/or used incorrectly so your meaning is vague. Read this.

No, not as a string number,

I need to enter a binary "111" and have the output be equal 7...

What I mean by decimal form is i need to convert the binary number to the decimal number that us ut equivilant too. The only code I really have is what I posted above. Where I seperated the number into digits. I dont know how to take those binary digits and give them the decimal.

I dont know if this will help or not. It is homework and ive spent 2 days on it getting absolutely no where. the teacher never even explained how to use modulus, and I am really really stuck trying to figure it out.

Write a program that reads in an unsigned integer containing only 0s and 1s (i.e. a "binary" integer) and outputs its decimal equivalent. Use the modulus and division operators to pick off the "binary" number's digits one at a time from rigiht to left.Your program must accept only (unsigned) "binary"integers containing only 0s and 1s. Do not read in the integer as a string object. Use a loop to validate the input: the user should get stuck entering a "binary" integer if the value entered is not of the right form.

You can't read 01001001 as an integer using say cin >> myInt; It will seem to work, but it doesn't give you an answer you can use.

Read it as a string.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main ( ) {
    string line;
    cout << line << endl;
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < line.length(); i++ ) {
        cout << line[i] << endl;
    return 0;

$ ./a.exe
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;

// is every decimal digit of number a 0 or 1
bool is_every_digit_zero_or_one( unsigned int number )
  while( number > 0U )
    if( number%10U > 1U )return false ;
    number /= 10U ;
  return true ;

// read in an unsigned int containing only decimal digits 0 and 1
// user should get stuck entering a "binary" integer if the value
// entered is not of the right form
unsigned int read_in_number()
  unsigned int number ;
  // cin >> skipws >> dec ; // being safe, ignore this for now
    cout << "number? " ;
    // also ignore cin.clear/cin.ignore; by spec. user should get 'stuck'!
    cin >> number ;
  }while( !is_every_digit_zero_or_one( number ) ) ;
  return number ;

int main()
  unsigned int n = read_in_number() ;
  cout << "number (binary digits; leading zeroes omitted): " << n << '\n' ;
  // 'convert' number to decimal, and print out the value

some questions concerning the code you provided::

// cin >> skipws >> dec ; // being safe, ignore this for now
//***you add this, just for the case that the default input is other than decimal? is this possible?

// also ignore cin.clear/cin.ignore; by spec. user should get 'stuck'!
//***if i add cin.clear() i don't get any different behaviour...what is the difference?

> ..default input is other than decimal? is this possible?
yes, look up ios_base::fmtflags

> if i add cin.clear() i don't get any different behaviour...what is the difference?
clear() merely sets sets the state to a good state. if the stream is already in a good state, there would be no difference. if the stream is not in a good state, it would make a difference

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std ;

int main()
  string input = "0101 \n 0101 \n 0101 \n *&^%$ \n 0101 \n" ;
  istringstream stm(input) ;
  streambuf* buff = cin.rdbuf( stm.rdbuf() ) ;
  int i ;
  cin >> i ;
  cout << "default input (decimal): " << i << '\n' ;
  cin >> oct >> i ; cout << "octal input: " << i << '\n' ;
  cin >> hex >> i ; cout << "hex input: " << i << '\n' ;
  cin >> dec >> i ; // fails, cin is now not in a good state
  assert( !cin ) ; // next char in buffer is '*'
  cin.clear() ; // reset the state of cin to good
  cout << "next char in input is: '" << char( cin.peek() ) << "'\n" ;
  cin.ignore(100,'\n') ; // remove chars (max 100) upto next newline
  cout << "next char in input is: '" << char( cin.peek() ) << "'\n" ;
  assert( cin >> dec >> i ) ; // ok
  cout << "decimal input: " << i << '\n' ;
  cin.rdbuf( buff ) ; // restore cin's original streambuf
>g++ -Wall -std=c++98 input.cc && ./a.out
default input (decimal): 101
octal input: 65
hex input: 257
next char in input is: '*'
next char in input is: ' '
decimal input: 101

OK, based on what you told us, you define an integer (say binary) and you enter only 1's and 0's into the variable. Your binary value is really read into a decimal variable, but contains only 1's and 0's.

Zero out another variable (say decimal) to hold the decimal value.

Next, using the % operator, get the each digit (a 1 or 0) and multiply each by the proper power of 2 and add it to the decimal variable.

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