hi i want to know that if i want to include the results from internet how can do it by using a port in c++

Wow, can you be any more vague?

Wow, can you be any more vague?

see my query is simple . iam developing a software on search engine optimization and for that i need to connect my software to the internet and to take out its results from there using a port . i can do it in java but i need to evelop it in c++ only

Use can use many langs to implement this idea, so if you need, you can do research about C#, Dot.net, it is so useful. You can contact my Big Brother, ngocquynh852003 at Y!M, he took the cup at Brazil bout Dot Net of microsoft any years ago.

i know it can be very effectively implemented in many languages but my problem is that i have no other options other than c++ .

lang like c# are banned for me

see my query is simple . iam developing a software on search engine optimization and for that i need to connect my software to the internet and to take out its results from there using a port . i can do it in java but i need to evelop it in c++ only


I am also developing a search engine using solr in c++ on Linux.
Solr is sending the XML at the port which i have to read back using c++ socket programming and then display it in IE.

Could anyone please suggest, how to read the XML data properly from the port and dispaly it in IE.

Thanks in advance
Sandip Kaur

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