this is my program and i want 2 put it in terms of modules(functions):

using namespace std;

int main()
{       //initialization phase.
string month;
int day=0,cones;
char choice;
double price;
//processing phase.
while(day <= 31)//day must not be greater than 31.
cout<<"Welcome to The Ze_Viru$ Ice Cream Producers!!\n";
//print text
cout<<"Please enter month:";
//prompt for input.
cout<<"Please enter day:";
//prompt for input.
while(day >=32 )//day must not be greater than 31.
cout<<"Sorry,the month range from 1 to 30 or 31:not that: "<<day<<endl;
//print text.
cout<<"Please enter day:";
//prompt for input
cout<<"The codes are as follows:\n";
//print text.
cout<<"Strawberry:\tS\nVanilla:\tV\nMixed:\tM\nApple:\tA\nYoghurt:\tY\nPlease enter only one from the above\n";
//print text.
switch(choice)      {
case 'S':
case 's':

if(day >= 1 && day <= 10)
cout<<"You have selected the Strawberry\n";
//print text.
cout<<"How many cones would you like to have?\n";
//promt for input
price = 4.50*cones;          //assignment of price.
cout<<"Amount due is :R"<<setprecision(2)
<<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint)
cout<<"Thank you and call again!!\n";
//print text.
else if(day >= 11 && day <= 20)
cout<<"You have selected the Strawberry\n";
//print text.
cout<<"How many cones would you like to have?\n";
//print text.
price = 4.00*cones;          //assignment of price.
cout<<"Amount due is :R"<<setprecision(2)
<<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint)
cout<<"Thank you and call again!!\n";
//print text.
else if(day >=21 && day <= 31)
cout<<"You have selected the Strawberry\n";
//print text
cout<<"How many cones would you like to have?\n";
//print text.
price = 3.25*cones;          //assignment of price.

cout<<"Amount due is :R"<<setprecision(2)
<<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint)
cout<<"Thank you for shopping in our store!!\n";
//print text.
case 'V':
case 'v':
if(day >= 1 && day <=10)
cout<<"You have selected the Vanilla\n";
//print text.
cout<<"How many cones would you like to have?\n";
//print text.
price = 8.00*cones;             //assignment of price
cout<<"Amount due is :R"<<setprecision(2)
<<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint)
cout<<"Thank you and call again!!\n";
//print text.
else if(day >=11 && day <= 20)
cout<<"You have selected the Vanilla\n";
//print text.
cout<<"How many cones would you like to have?\n";
//print text
price = 7.50*cones;             //assignment of price

cout<<"Amount due is :R"<<setprecision(2)
<<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint)
cout<<"Thank you and call again!!\n";
//print text.
else if(day >=21 && day <= 31)
cout<<"You have selected the Vanilla\n";
//print text.
cout<<"How many cones would you like to have?\n";
//print text.
price = 6.75*cones;             //assignment of price.
cout<<"Amount due is :R"<<setprecision(2)
<<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint)
cout<<"Thank you and call again!!\n";
//Print text.
case 'A':
case 'a':
if(day >=1 && day <= 10)
cout<<"You have selected the Apple\n";
cout<<"How many cones would you like to have?\n";
price = 6.75*cones;
cout<<"Amount due is :R"<<setprecision(2)
<<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint)
cout<<"Thank you and call again!!\n";
else if(day >=11 && day <= 20)
cout<<"You have selected the Apple\n";
cout<<"How many cones would you like to have?\n";
price = 6.25*cones;
cout<<"Amount due is :R"<<setprecision(2)
<<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint)
cout<<"Thank you and call again!!\n";
else if(day >=21 && day <= 31)
cout<<"You have selected the Apple\n";
cout<<"How many cones would you like to have?\n";
price = 5.50*cones;
cout<<"Amount due is :R"<<setprecision(2)
<<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint)
cout<<"Thank you and call again!!\n";
case 'Y':
case 'y':
if(day >=1 && day <= 10)
cout<<"You have selected the Yoghurt\n";
cout<<"How many cones would you like to have?\n";
price = 9.65*cones;
cout<<"Amount due is :R"<<setprecision(2)
<<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint)
cout<<"Thank you and call again!!\n";
else if(day >=11 && day <= 20)
cout<<"You have selected the Yoghurt:\n";
cout<<"How many cones would you like to have?\n";
price = 9.15*cones;
cout<<"Amount due is :R"<<setprecision(2)
<<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint)
cout<<"Thank you and call again!!\n";
else if(day >=21 && day <= 31)
cout<<"You have selected the Yoghurt\n";
cout<<"How many cones would you like to have?\n";
price = 8.40*cones;
cout<<"Amount due is :R"<<setprecision(2)
<<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint)
cout<<"Thank you and call again!!\n";
case 'M':
case 'm':
if(day >=1 && day <= 10)
cout<<"You have selected the Mixed\n";
cout<<"How many cones would you like to have?\n";
price = 13.00*cones;
cout<<"Amount due is :R"<<setprecision(2)
<<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint)
cout<<"Thank you and call again!!\n";
else if(day >=11 && day <= 20)
cout<<"You have selected the Mixed\n";
cout<<"How many cones would you like to have?\n";
price = 12.50*cones;
cout<<"Amount due is :R"<<setprecision(2)
<<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint)
cout<<"Thank you and call again!!\n";
else if(day >=21 && day <= 31)
cout<<"You have selected the Mixed\n";
cout<<"How many cones would you like to have?\n";
price = 11.85*cones;
cout<<"Amount due is :R"<<setprecision(2)
<<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint)
cout<<"Thank you and call again!!\n";
cout<<"You have entered the wrong code!!\n";
cout<<"Please check your spelling!\n";
cout<<"Next customer please!!\n";


return 0;


:sad: :sad:

just one extra method will make your code alot better, we will call it FindPrice

private double FindPrice(int day, char choice)
swich(choice) {
case 's':
case 'S' : //You may want to add output message
if (day >=1 && day <= 10)
return 4.50;
elseif (day >= 11 && day <= 20)
return 4.00;
else // day less than 31
return 3.25

// ... and all the other cases,
//note it would be good if you return -1 with there
//wasn't a match

In main call this method like

int price =0;
if (price = FindPrice(day, choice) != -1);
and then ask user for the number of cones and you know the rest
wrong choice

this was only a quick answer but i hope this helps

i have read the lil problem and i believe you can improve your code once again by changing FindPrice to FindBasicPrice(char choice), so you just have the switch statements but no if statements. Then have a another method private double FindTodaysPrice(int day,double basic)
if(day >= 1 && day <= 10)
return basic - .50;
else if(day >=11 && day <= 20)
return basic + 1.5;
return basic; // i have forgot the price differences

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