i try to compile this programm useing pluto,it shows me error .where schould the fehler be?

#include <"stdio.h">
int main()
int counter;    
int even=0;
int b= 7,int h= 10;
if h+ = b % 10;
 b /= 10;
for( counter = 1; counter <= 10; counter++);
if (even == 1)
for( b = 1; b <= 7; b++);
if (even == 0)
for( b = 1; b <= 7; b++);
  printf(" \n ");

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Check line 7 if h+= b % 10; Next time post the error messages. That would help us to help you.

Oh I see you are back to your old code again ?

what is that? Please write in English on these boards.

Oh I see you are back to your old code again ?

here are the errors

line 1:"stdio.h"no such file or directory

line 6: expected identifer

line 7: expecting ( before h,

line 7: h undeclerd (first use in this function),

line 14,20,24:warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function printf,

line 25:expected declaration of statement at end the input

..[/CODE ]

line 1: remove the double quotes.

line 7: I told you what the problem was in that other thread. Go back and read it again.

Correct the above and the other errors will probably disappear too.

line 1: remove the double quotes.
line 7: I told you what the problem was in that other thread. Go back and read it again.
Correct the above and the other errors will probably disappear too.


line 6: expected identifer

line 7: expecting ( before h,

line 7: h undeclerd (first use in this function),

line 7 (each undeclerd identifer is reported only once)

line 7 expected expresion before =

line 25:expected declaration of statement at end the input

Please repost your program. And did you make all the changes that we previously mentioned? If not, why not. I can't help you if you continually ignore what we post. If you don't understand the changes we have suggested then just ask for more clarification.

i have done it but i still get error.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int counter;	
int even=0;
int b=7,int h= 10;
 if (h+=b %10);
   b /= 10;
for( counter = 1; counter <= 10; counter++);
if (even == 1)
for( b = 1; b <= 7; b++);
if (even == 0)
for( b = 1; b <= 7; b++);
  printf(" \n ");

i have done it but i still get error.

Yes I can see you did it all right -- you simply ignored all our suggestions. This will be my last post to you until you learn to read and implement our suggestions.

commented: More patience than me, but why do you keep replying ;) +11

Yes I can see you did it all right -- you simply ignored all our suggestions. This will be my last post to you until you learn to read and implement our suggestions.

the programm work but i still have one problem,
i am surpose to have

* * * * * * *
10 times/places
but i only got this output

where could the problem come from.

>>the programm work but i still have one problem
Well then it is not the same as the code you posted above ^^^. Since I can't see your monitor I have no idea what is wrong with it now.

>>the programm work but i still have one problem
Well then it is not the same as the code you posted above ^^^. Since I can't see your monitor I have no idea what is wrong with it now.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
 int counter;	
 int b=7;
 int h= 10;
 if (h+=b %10);
   b /= 10;
 for(counter = 1; counter <= 10; counter++);
   if ((counter%2) == 1)
   for( b = 1; b <= 7; b++);
   for( b = 1; b <= 7; b++);
     printf(" \n ");
     return 0;

i got
instead of
* * * * * * *
into 10 places

line 7 has not been corrected yet -- and we have told you about that at least 3 times. And you have not put lines 7 and 8 in a loop either. Do you not know what a loop is ?

how dod i do that,anyway i have be able to do this.
that is
instead of

where did i make mistake

Pardon my C, but your for statement lines should not be followed by ; or you are basically looping nothing.

I really have to admire the patience of the experts on this C forum!

where did i make mistake

The success of your program hinges upon your ability of understandig first how to get the total addition of each digit of an integer.
I hope this will clarify for you how to do so.

01234 is made out of
 1000 +
  200 +
   30 +
    4 = 1234
But we only want the left most digit value id est the 1, the 2, the 3 and the 4.
And we want these values added together. How can we obtain that value alone?
If we divide 01234 by 10 ( human base of counting ) we get: 123.4 or 123 with
a remainder of 4. That 4 is the same that the last digit that we want. So we
want to keep it stored in someplace.
Now we take the result, 123 and do the same 123 / 10 and we get: 12.3 or 12 with
a remainder of 3. We want that 3 alone don't we?. Let's add it up to the 4 stored
previously. Now we have 4 + 3 = 7 stored somewhere.
Let's take the result 12 and divided by 10 and we get: 1.2 Alright. We add that
2 to the previous 7, and that's 9 saved.
If we 1 / 10 one more time we have 0.1 That 1 is the last digit we need.
Added to 9 we now have the total 10, which is the addition of 1 + 2 + 3 + 4.

 * digit.c
 * Obtain the addition of the digits of a number
#include <stdio.h>

int main ( void )
    int number = 1234;
    int total = 0;
    /* obtain the single digit until we are done */
    while ( number != 0 )
        printf( "In the loop number = %d\n", number );
        total = total + ( number % 10 );
        printf( "In the loop total = %d\n", total );
        number = number / 10;
    printf( "After the loop number = %d\n", number );
    printf( "After the loop total = %d\n", total );
    return 0;    
/* Output:
    In the loop number = 1234
    In the loop total = 4
    In the loop number = 123
    In the loop total = 7
    In the loop number = 12
    In the loop total = 9
    In the loop number = 1
    In the loop total = 10
    After the loop number = 0
    After the loop total = 10 

Apply the same process to each integer you want to obtain the addition of each digit.
After that you can continue developing the rest of your program.

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