Hi, i am using Data Environment to connect VB with my Access Database.

Can i use SQL statement in my script (manualy)..??
Please tell me how to do it



after creating the connection object establish the connection to the database. Right click on connection and add a command object .Right click on the command object and select sqlstatment in the general tab in properties . add the sql statment that you want.

Hope that solves your problem.

after creating the connection object establish the connection to the database. Right click on connection and add a command object .Right click on the command object and select sqlstatment in the general tab in properties . add the sql statment that you want.

Hope that solves your problem.

Thanks, but thats not what i want
I'm trying to use SQL statement in my scripting, not by creating an object
something like

strSQL = "SELECT NamPeg FROM ...."

So i make the SQL statement in my project not by creating command object

for example:

Adodc1.Recordsource="Select * from Table1";

for example:

Adodc1.Recordsource="Select * from Table1";

i've allready try that, but it doesnt work
i make connection using Data environment object, not by script... :(

but thanks anyway, i'll try again, maybe there is something i miss

What bout trying like this.

Connection1.ConnectionString = "......connection string here.........."
sql = ".........sql query here.........."
Connection1.Execute sql


I have created you a small example of recprdset coding and attached it. Check if it is what you need. If further assistance is needed please reply.

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