Doing Project Euler problem 3.
Don't know why code not working.

using namespace std;

//largest prime factor 317584931803.

bool Primechecker(int);

int main()
	int greatestprime=1;
	int limit = 317584931803;
	int runningcount=1;
		if (Primechecker(runningcount)==true && limit%runningcount == 0)
			greatestprime = runningcount;

	cout << greatestprime;
	return 0;

bool Primechecker(int num)
	for (int i=1; i< num/2; i++)
		if (num % i == 0 && i != 1)
			return false;
	return true;

Your limit is an int, which is too small to hold the number you have put in it. (Your compiler should have complained about this.) Try using a long long or somesuch.

Start runningcount at 2, not one.

Your primeChecker() function is fine, but it will be slow.

Hope this helps.

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