hi friends,
I'm Mathew doing my 2nd year MCA in The American College, madurai.
now its fourth semester going on. In this semester i have to do projects in Java.
i know java better upto swings. Could you please suggest me some topics and its details.
you can send it to my mail. My id is [I]<email id snipped>[/I]
kindly give me your valuable ideas as soon as possible.

What do you mean exactly? Should I start throwing random programming topics at you? Persistence, multithreading,...
Maybe random OOP topics? Inheritance, polymorphism,...

And what do you actually mean with "I know java better upto swings"? Was it topics on Java Swing that you wanted then?

Try to explain a little better what it is that you want, please.

Black Box

just another variant of the "give me a project title for my final year project" by just another unmotivated lazy kid that can't think for itself.

maybe creating an app that generates random project subjects and possible requirements. if you would start (and finish) this thing, please, be sure to make it public accessible, so that we won't be bothered with questions like 'cld u pls gimme a topic?' in the future.

How about fractal, you can use java swing api to code it.

You can find some java college project at <SNIP>

commented: just read the post, it says it all -1

You can find some java college project at big no-no was here
Hope it helps

nope, this doesn't help. firstly, this topic 's a year old, and, from the replies already given, you should have figured out by now that the purpose of this forum is not to hand out project topics

What do you mean exactly? Should I start throwing random programming topics at you? Persistence, multithreading,...
Maybe random OOP topics? Inheritance, polymorphism,...
Black Box

These certainly won't be project topics as such...;)

BTW commenting on the original post. I am surprised at just how many of these developers can't even find decent projects topics. Common isn't finding a good project topic and then all about it considered project work ? Rather you people should be glad that instead of the professor throwing one of his chosen topics at you he has given you liberty to go find and develop a project of your choice which you are just throwing off by asking other people about their opinion.
Also I feel the reason for allowing students to select a topic of their own is to encourage them to develop something that they are comfortable about and are interested in, so that they have the motivation that hopefully remains around during the entire project work.
Think about it !!!

Hai Friend

In the below url helps very clearlly


commented: Bumping an old thread unnecessarily. +4
commented: Bumping an old thread unnecessarily. -6
need real java project

plz give idea in java projects

how about a project that enables the possibility to read the last date on which was posted in a thread on Daniweb? no doubt the Daniweb api's 'll come in handy.
if that's not what you're looking for, how about taking a look at the sticky Thread Java projects for learners

and learn English...

Why can't you search in google..there is plenty of projects available with source code itself..try it out..doing project in java swings is a quite easy one..so all the best do your project well and inform your topic once you finish it..

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