Email Attachment Downloader and Extract Archive Content Class

Updated diafol 4 Tallied Votes 3K Views Share

Hi All,

Been a bit bored, so went at it to create a class from some long procedural stuff I found littered in various guises all over the web. The code I used as a base for the class came from here. As this uses IMAP functions and many of you out there use XAMPP on your local machines, ensure that you enable it in php.ini before testing this script. Search the file for ;extension=php_imap.dll and take off the preceding semi-colon to leave extension=php_imap.dll. Save the file. You then need to restart Apache.

Usage is pretty simple - just three public methods:

The constructor just creates an imap stream and takes connection info.
get_files() "downloads" attachments to a location of your choice. You can specify the search terms to effectively limit the results to one email.
extract_zip_to() simply extracts any downloaded zip files to a specified location.

BTW, I have no idea why the code parser has mangled my indenting. Apologies, but it looks nothing like that in my IDE.

 *  Email Attachment Extractor and Unzipping Class
 *  Extracts attachments from imap emails and unzips and can unzip 
 *  zip files to specified locations
 *  Much of the code is based around the 'standard' code found on
 *  many forums and websites, attribution however goes here:
 *  //
 *  @author diafol
 *  @version 1.0
class exAttach
     *  The imap stream  
     *  @var IMAP stream | false
	private $imap;
     *  The identifier of the email targeted  
     *  @var int
	private $emailNumber;
     *  Attachments array  
     *  @var array
	private $attachments;
     *  Message structure object  
     *  @var object
	private $structure;
     *  The 'save to' path  
     *  @var string
	private $path;
     *  An array of zip files and their locations ($path)  
     *  @var array
	private $zips;
     *  Create the IMAP stream
     *  @param string $hostname the 'mailbox'
     *  @param string $username the user's email address
     *  @param string $password the user's password for the account
	public function __construct($hostname,$username,$password)
		$this->imap = imap_open($hostname,$username,$password) or die('Cannot connect to Gmail: ' . imap_last_error());
     *  create a search string from parameters
     *  @param array $searchArray an array of keyed parameters
     *  @return string
	private function create_search_string($searchArray)
		$items = array();
		foreach($searchArray as $key=>$value)
			$items[] = strtoupper($key) . ' "' . $value . '"';	
		return implode(" ", $items);
     *  create files from attachments in a specified directory
     *  @param array $searchArray an array of keyed parameters
	 *  @param string $saveToPath path of where to create files [must end with a /]
	public function get_files($searchArray, $saveToPath=NULL)
		$this->path = $saveToPath;
		$searchString = $this->create_search_string($searchArray);
		if($emails = imap_search($this->imap, $searchString))
		    $this->emailNumber = end($emails);

		    $overview = imap_fetch_overview($this->imap,$this->emailNumber,0);
	        $this->structure = imap_fetchstructure($this->imap, $this->emailNumber);
			$this->attachments = array();

		    if(isset($this->structure->parts) && count($this->structure->parts)) 
		        for($i = 0; $i < count($this->structure->parts); $i++) 
		        foreach($this->attachments as $attachment)
		            if($attachment['is_attachment'] == 1)
     *  extract any files in a zip archive to a specified location
     *  @param string $unzipDest the path for the extraction [must end with a /]
	public function extract_zip_to($unzipDest=NULL)
		$zip = new ZipArchive;
		foreach($this->zips as $zipfile)
			$res = $zip->open($zipfile);
			if ($res === TRUE)
     *  creates a file from an attachment and stores path for any zip files
     *  @param array $attachment holds all the info for the attachment
	private function make_file($attachment)
		$filename = $attachment['name'];
		if(empty($filename)) $filename = $attachment['filename'];
		if(empty($filename)) $filename = time() . ".dat";
		$loc = $this->path . $filename;
		if(strtolower(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) == 'zip') $this->zips[] = $loc;
		$fp = fopen($loc, "w+");
		fwrite($fp, $attachment['attachment']);
     *  extracts attachment concents and encodes it accordingly
     *  @param int $i the counter for attachments
	private function get_file_content($i)
		$this->attachments[$i]['attachment'] = imap_fetchbody($this->imap, $this->emailNumber, $i+1);
		if($this->structure->parts[$i]->encoding == 3) 
			$this->attachments[$i]['attachment'] = base64_decode($this->attachments[$i]['attachment']);
		}elseif($this->structure->parts[$i]->encoding == 4){ 
			$this->attachments[$i]['attachment'] = quoted_printable_decode($this->attachments[$i]['attachment']);
     *  checks ifdparameters object
     *  @param int $i the counter for attachments
	private function check_ifdparams($i)
		foreach($this->structure->parts[$i]->dparameters as $object) 
			if(strtolower($object->attribute) == 'filename') 
		    	$this->attachments[$i]['is_attachment'] = true;
		        $this->attachments[$i]['filename'] = $object->value;
     *  checks ifparameters object
     *  @param int $i the counter for attachments
	private function check_ifparams($i)
		foreach($this->structure->parts[$i]->parameters as $object) 
			if(strtolower($object->attribute) == 'name') 
		    	$this->attachments[$i]['is_attachment'] = true;
		        $this->attachments[$i]['name'] = $object->value;
     *  creates an empty array with default values for an attachment
     *  @param int $i the counter for attachments
	private function create_new_array($i)
		$this->attachments[$i] = array(
			'is_attachment' => false,
		    'filename' => '',
		    'name' => '',
		    'attachment' => ''


header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

//Connection Details
$hostname = '{}INBOX';
$username = ''; //change this
$password = 'password'; //change this

//Search parameters
//See for possible keys
//SINCE date should be in j F Y format, e.g. 9 August 2013
$searchArray = array('SUBJECT'=>'Test', 'SINCE'=>date('j F Y',strtotime('1 month ago')));

//Save attachement file to 
$saveToPath = 'dump/'; //change this
//Extract zip files to
$unzipDest = 'files/'; //change this

//include the exAttach class
require "classes/exattach.class.php"; //may need to change this

//Create an object
$xa = new exAttach($hostname,$username,$password);
$xa->get_files($searchArray, $saveToPath);