I am trying to create a form that is javascript/ajax based, with a serverscript in php.
I want to SEND an array for the serverscript to decode/unpack, translate.
I want the array object to be an assocative array, such as myarray["age"], and myarray["name"], so i can have the php serverscript reach into the array and pick out
the elements easily.
I am not even sure I CAN do this and get away with it. Somebody have some experience with this?
is it worth investigation to try something weird like inside the form use syntax like:
onchange='<?php $myarray["age"]=
document.write.form.age.value ?>'
or what WOULD be the proper syntax to use?

thanks in advance.

Came across this thread a while ago. Haven't tried it so I don't exactly know how it would work, but it seems to be what you are looking for

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