cfintern 0 Newbie Poster

Hi, My name is Josh and as my username implies I am a Coldfusion Intern. I have learned everything about coldfusion from volumes 1 and 2. I have a question about cfset. I am making a error list using if statements like so:

<cfswitch expression="#form.a#">

   <cfcase value="submit">

         <cfif len(trim(FORM.username)) eq 0>

            <cfset VAR.signuperror1 = "Please fill in valid email address">

            <cfelseif FORM.username does not contain "@">

               <cfset VAR.signuperror1 ="Required email is invalid">

            <cfelseif FORM.username does not contain ".com">

               <cfset VAR.signuperror1 ="Required email is invalid example ''">


         <cfif len(trim(FORM.fname)) eq 0>

            <cfset VAR.signuperror2 = "Please fill in full name">


         <cfif len(trim(FORM.password)) eq 0>

            <cfset VAR.signuperror3 = "Please enter Password">

            <cfelseif isnumeric(FORM.password) eq 0>

               <cfset VAR.signuperror3 = "Password has to be Numeric">


now in order for the user to get their data inserted in to my db the form has to pass this

<cfif len(trim(var.signuperror1)) eq 0 and len(trim(var.signuperror2)) eq 0 and ......>

is there a way to set this statement to a variable scope so all i have to do is <cfif var."name" eq 0>? thanks for the help.