I've creaded a web site with image uploading system and manual thumbnail cropping. I use jQuery as a main javascript library on the site. But image cropper was written using Prototype, so it was nessesery to put that cropper in iframe because jQuery and prototype conflicts. And it works. But the problem is that's on in IE in cropping area i see only a black screen every time. But if i refresh page everythinq works perfect. Sorry, but i don't remember what script i use. I found it in googe after many days of searching. Why it can be? Is anyone have any ideas?

If you want to look please visit www.kamioki.com. :) Sorry but need to register (no email confirmation yet, i've removed it, so you can type any email you want)


If anyone needs manual image cropping script I'll share it. It took 3 days of programming. So don't loose your time

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