edmicman 0 Light Poster

I've just inherited some classic ASP code that apparently uses client side vbscript. The bulk of our code is classic ASP with server side VBScript, but I've always done any client side with Javascript, since as long as I can remember. I didn't even know there was client-side vbscript until the inherited site broke and wouldn't work because I was using Firefox.

Granted I'm relatively young I guess, but I've always tried to make my web application code as basic and browser agnostic as possible. I'll test it on a variety of browsers and try not to use any browser-specific functionality. This inherited code seems to be ripe with ActiveX controls and now this vbscript stuff. How pervasive is this? Can client vbscript be converted to javascript fairly easily? Do people still even actually develop with client vbscript functions?!? Anyone have any experience with this? Thanks!