caprisan06 0 Unverified User

I have a JSP page and there is a button on that to search...

When I focus mouse on the button ..I can see the internet explorer progress bar but when I take the mouse away from button..I can not see the progress bar...

Is there anything to do in my JSP page?

My JSP code is

<span class="mini">
<html:link href="#" styleClass="bouton" onclick="return submit_form_with_parameters('delegationForm', 'delegation', 'noInit=Y');">
<bean:message key="rh2u.deleg.label.etape0.label.chercher" />

and submit_form_with_parameters function is

function submit_form_with_parameters(strFormName, strAction, parameters){
    objForm = eval("document." + strFormName);
    objForm.action = strAction + ".do?" + parameters;
    return false;

Please help