I have form.mydata coming to my action page with comma delimeter value:

I want to seperate them and it works inside this loop:

<cfset myd = "">
<cfloop list="form.mydata" index="i" delimiters=",">
   <cfset myd = "#i#">
   #myd#<br />

How do I get them to print outside of loop?
This didnt work because it only printed the first value only and not all of them:

<cfset myd = "">
<cfloop list="form.mydata" index="i" delimiters=",">
   <cfset myd = "#i#">
   #myd#<br />

When you use a variable in the list element of the CFLOOP tag, it must be enclosed in #'s...

<cfset myd = "">
<cfloop list="#form.mydata#" index="i" delimiters=",">
   <cfset myd = "#i#">
   #myd#<br />

Otherwise, it interprets it as a literal value.

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