dav555 4 Light Poster

i need help! the following query causes an exception but it works in mysql...can someone see the error?

"select uc.id, uc.userid, uc.carid, uc.description, uc.date, uc.km, uc.price, uc.remark, y.brand, y.type from Usercar as uc join (select x.cid as cid, x.brand as brand, t.name as type from (select c.id as cid, b.name as brand, c.typeid as typ from Car as c join Brand as b on c.brandid = b.id) as x join Type as t on x.typ = t.id) as y on uc.carid = y.cid where uc.userid = :inuserid"
org.hibernate.QueryException: in expected: select [select uc.id, uc.userid, uc.carid, uc.description, uc.date, uc.km, uc.price, uc.remark, y.brand, y.type from ch.bfh.carproject.hibernate.bean.Usercar as uc join (select x.cid as cid, x.brand as brand, t.name as type from (select c.id as cid, b.name as brand, c.typeid as typ from ch.bfh.carproject.hibernate.bean.Car as c join Brand as b on c.brandid = b.id) as x join Type as t on x.typ = t.id) as y on uc.carid = y.cid where uc.userid = :inuserid]