Hi All,

I'm using a script that displays a larger image when a thumbnail is clicked or moused over.

I need the larger image of the first thumbnail to be displayed by default so that I never have an empty white space on my page.

The html page is as follows:

<head><script type="text/javascript" src="thumbnailviewer2.js" defer="defer"></head>
<a href="http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/167040main_image_feature_738_ys_4.jpg" rel="enlargeimage::mouseover" rev="loadarea::http://www.dynamicdrive.com" title="This is an example">Thumbnail Example 1</a><br />
<a href="http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/168177main_image_feature_749_ys_4.jpg" rel="enlargeimage::mouseover" rev="loadarea">Thumbnail Example 2</a><br />

<a href="http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/166615main_image_feature_733_ys_4.jpg" rel="enlargeimage::click" rev="loadarea2">Thumbnail Example 3 (click)</a><br />
<a href="http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/168291main_image_feature_750_ys_4.jpg" rel="enlargeimage::click" rev="loadarea2">Thumbnail Example 4 (click)</a><br /><br />

<div id="loadarea" style="width: 600px"></div>

<h2 />

<div id="loadarea2" style="width: 550px"></div>

The external JS page (thumbnailviewer2.js) contains the following script:

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Image Thumbnail Viewer II- By Dynamic Drive, available at: http://www.dynamicdrive.com
// Last updated: Feb 5th, 2007
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

var thumbnailviewer2={
enableTitle: true, //Should "title" attribute of link be used as description?
enableTransition: true, //Enable fading transition in IE?
hideimgmouseout: false, //Hide enlarged image when mouse moves out of anchor link? (if enlarged image is hyperlinked, always set to false!)

/////////////No need to edit beyond here/////////////////////////

iefilterstring: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.GradientWipe(GradientSize=1.0 Duration=0.7)', //IE specific multimedia filter string
iefiltercapable: document.compatMode && window.createPopup? true : false, //Detect browser support for IE filters
preloadedimages:[], //array to preload enlarged images (ones set to display "onmouseover"
targetlinks:[], //array to hold participating links (those with rel="enlargeimage:initType")
alreadyrunflag: false, //flag to indicate whether init() function has been run already come window.onload

var imagepath=linkobj.getAttribute("href") //Get URL to enlarged image
var showcontainer=document.getElementById(linkobj.getAttribute("rev").split("::")[0]) //Reference container on page to show enlarged image in
var dest=linkobj.getAttribute("rev").split("::")[1] //Get URL enlarged image should be linked to, if any
var description=(thumbnailviewer2.enableTitle && linkobj.getAttribute("title"))? linkobj.getAttribute("title") : "" //Get title attr
var imageHTML='<img src="'+imagepath+'" style="border-width: 0" />' //Construct HTML for enlarged image
if (typeof dest!="undefined") //Hyperlink the enlarged image?
imageHTML='<a href="'+dest+'">'+imageHTML+'</a>'
if (description!="") //Use title attr of the link as description?
imageHTML+='<br />'+description
if (this.iefiltercapable){ //Is this an IE browser that supports filters?
this.featureImage=showcontainer.getElementsByTagName("img")[0] //Reference enlarged image itself
this.featureImage.onload=function(){ //When enlarged image has completely loaded
if (thumbnailviewer2.iefiltercapable) //Is this an IE browser that supports filters?
this.featureImage.onerror=function(){ //If an error has occurred while loading the image to show
if (thumbnailviewer2.iefiltercapable) //Is this an IE browser that supports filters?

var showcontainer=document.getElementById(linkobj.getAttribute("rev").split("::")[0]) //Reference container on page to show enlarged image in

cleanup:function(){ //Clean up routine on page unload
if (this.featureImage){this.featureImage.onload=null; this.featureImage.onerror=null; this.featureImage=null}
for (var i=0; i<this.targetlinks.length; i++){

addEvent:function(target, functionref, tasktype){ //assign a function to execute to an event handler (ie: onunload)
var tasktype=(window.addEventListener)? tasktype : "on"+tasktype
if (target.addEventListener)
target.addEventListener(tasktype, functionref, false)
else if (target.attachEvent)
target.attachEvent(tasktype, functionref)

init:function(){ //Initialize thumbnail viewer script
this.iefiltercapable=(this.iefiltercapable && this.enableTransition) //True or false: IE filters supported and is enabled by user
var pagelinks=document.getElementsByTagName("a")
for (var i=0; i<pagelinks.length; i++){ //BEGIN FOR LOOP
if (pagelinks[i].getAttribute("rel") && /enlargeimage:/i.test(pagelinks[i].getAttribute("rel"))){ //Begin if statement: Test for rel="enlargeimage"
var initType=pagelinks[i].getAttribute("rel").split("::")[1] //Get display type of enlarged image ("click" or "mouseover")
if (initType=="mouseover"){ //If type is "mouseover", preload the enlarged image for quicker display
this.preloadedimages[this.preloadedimages.length]=new Image()
pagelinks[i]["onclick"]=function(){ //Cancel default click action
return false
pagelinks[i]["on"+initType]=function(){ //Load enlarged image based on the specified display type (event)
thumbnailviewer2.loadimage(this) //Load image
return false
if (this.hideimgmouseout)
this.targetlinks[this.targetlinks.length]=pagelinks[i] //store reference to target link
} //end if statement

} //END init() function


if (document.addEventListener) //Take advantage of "DOMContentLoaded" event in select Mozilla/ Opera browsers for faster init
thumbnailviewer2.addEvent(document, function(){thumbnailviewer2.alreadyrunflag=1; thumbnailviewer2.init()}, "DOMContentLoaded") //Initialize script on page load
else if (document.all && document.getElementsByTagName("a").length>0){ //Take advantage of "defer" attr inside SCRIPT tag in IE for instant init
thumbnailviewer2.addEvent(window, function(){if (!thumbnailviewer2.alreadyrunflag) thumbnailviewer2.init()}, "load") //Default init method: window.onload
thumbnailviewer2.addEvent(window, function(){thumbnailviewer2.cleanup()}, "unload")

If you want to see a live demo with the source code you can go here.

The above can code can just be copied and pasted since it links to images already hosted online.

I'm sure it involves a minor tweaking but I don't know where to start.

Got it working!

To load a default image simply past it in the load div area of the html page:

<div id="loadarea" style="width: 600px">
<img src="IMAGEHERE.jpg" alt=""><br>

To ensure that there is no blank area on a mouse out simply ensure that following line of the JS file is set to FALSE:

hideimgmouseout: false, 
//Hide enlarged image when mouse moves out of anchor link?

Later! ;)

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