Just a small query..!!
how can i stop user to enter future date..

or user can enter or user can enter future 10 days..!


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Just a small query..!!
how can i stop user to enter future date..

or user can enter or user can enter future 10 days..!


Its very simple use custom validator and check if the date is greater than todays date and return an error message,

Steps to be fllowed to write a custom Validator:

Date Of Birth Validation:

//If the user enters date greater than the current
//date of the server then display an error message

1)Create a hidden field control in aspx page in order to have server date rather than client machine date

<asp:HiddenField ID="hdnCurrentDate"  runat="server" />

2)Convert the date to required format from code behind aspx.cs file

//Setting the current date value to hidden field
//This Current date is sent to a function to check the
//Date Of Birth

hdnCurrentDate.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");

3)Add a Custom validator for the required date field

<asp:CustomValidator ID="custDateOfBirth"  runat="server" 	ControlToValidate="txtBirthDate" ClientValidationFunction="CheckDate" ErrorMessage="Enter less than the current date" CssClass="ClsRedtext"  SetFocusOnError="true"></asp:CustomValidator>

4)Write a javascript function to handle the validation

function CheckDate(oSrc,args)
//The below two ids are view source of the aspx file 
//of the respective controls one is Entered date and the other is hidden field date 

var dateOfBirthClientID =  document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtBirthDate');    
var systemDateClientID =  document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_hdnCurrentDate');
       var dateOfBirth = dateOfBirthClientID.value;
       var systemDate = systemDateClientID.value;
       var ArrDob =   dateOfBirth.split("-");
       var DobMonth = ArrDob[0];       
       var DobDate   = ArrDob[1];
       var DobYear   = ArrDob[2];
       var ArrSysDate =   systemDate.split("-");
       var SysDate   = ArrSysDate[0];
       var SysMonth = ArrSysDate[1];
       var SysYear   = ArrSysDate[2];
       //alert("DobYear="+DobYear+"SysYear ="+SysYear +"DobMonth="+DobMonth+"SysMonth="+SysMonth+"DobDate="+DobDate+"SysDate="+SysDate);
       if(DobYear > SysYear)
               args.IsValid = false; 
       else if((DobYear == SysYear) && (DobMonth > SysMonth))
               args.IsValid = false;  
        else if((DobYear == SysYear) && (DobMonth == SysMonth) && (DobDate > SysDate))
               args.IsValid = false;  
        args.IsValid = true;

Its a good example to start with a small custom control for starters

Steps to be fllowed to write a custom Validator:

I doubt that the original poster will be thanking you for your detailed sugg... suggestion - this question was asked and answered over a year ago.

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