Hi, I want to make a form , in which I have 4 input Fields.

  1. Date1
  2. Date2
  3. Calender Days
  4. Working Days

When I enter date1 as 2011-04-07 and date2 as 2011-04-11

Then I require in Calender Days = 5 inclusive of date1 and date2

and Working days = 3 as SAT, SUN Off

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You might benefit from checking JavaScript Date object.

I do not want to make it so complex, I will use Just 2 Table ,
1. Table1: Leaves Balance (Employee Id, Name, Casual, Annual, Medical , Type of Employee)
2. Table2: Leave Used ( Employee Id, Leave Type, Start Date, End Date , Calender Days, Working Days)

When Ever Person apply for Leaves all info inserted in Table1 and Table2 Updated.


Table1 (Leave Balance) Before Apply
Employee Id /// Name, /// Casual /// , Annual,/// Medical , /// Type of Employee
3 /// ABC /// 10 /// 14 10 Permanent

( If Person apply from 2011-04-07 to 2011-04-11 , working days are 3 and calender Days are 5 and Mark as Annual)

When Person Apply 2 Things Must Happened

Table1 (Leave Balance) After Apply (Annual Fields Updated from 14 to 11)
Employee Id Name, Casual , Annual, Medical , Type of Employee
3 ABC 10 11 10 Permanent

And Table2 (Leave Used ) After Apply ( 1 record inserted)

Employee Id, Leave Type, Start Date , End Date , Calender Days, Working Days
3 Anual 2011-04-07 2011-04-11 5 3

Only difficulty I feel to make a form.

Hi, I want to make a form , in which I have 4 input Fields.

• Date1
• Date2
• Calender Days (automatic get value after Date2 Entered)
• Working Days (automatic get value after Date2 Entered)

When I enter date1 as 2011-04-07 and date2 as 2011-04-11

Then I require in Calender Days = 5 inclusive of date1 and date2

and Working days = 3 as SAT, SUN Off

when user submit data, accept only from date, to_date, then in processing form , before inserting we can find working days using php/mysql syntax.

when user submit data, accept only from date, to_date, then in processing form , before inserting we can find working days using php/mysql syntax.

I have designed form , But I am confused,

Also , Is my idea is ok?

I want to do it using Jquery or Javascrip, in Below code I calculated calendar Days, How I find Working Days??? also I need to change date format from 2011,04,17 to 2011-04-17

<script type="text/javascript">
function days_between() {

   var oneDay = 24*60*60*1000; // hours*minutes*seconds*milliseconds
var firstDate = new Date(2011,04,01);
var secondDate = new Date(2011,04,17);
var diffDays = Math.abs((firstDate.getTime() - secondDate.getTime())/(oneDay));



<script type="text/javascript">


I use this as a date picker in my form


This code is working fine but there are 2 issues

If days_between(2011,04,01,2011,04,01); it shows 0 working days even on first April its Friday

if days_between(2011,04,02,2011,04,03); means Sat and Sun, it shows 2 Calendar days , OK but one working Day.



<script  lang=javascript>

function days_between(fryear,frmonth,frday,toyear,tomonth,today) 


   var oneDay = 24*60*60*1000; // hours*minutes*seconds*milliseconds

	var firstDate = new Date(fryear,frmonth,frday);

	var secondDate = new Date(toyear,tomonth,today);

	var loopDate=new Date();


	var caldays=0;

	var wkdays=0;





			 || loopDate.toGMTString().substr(0,3).toUpperCase()=='SUN'))




		loopDate =new Date(loopDate.getTime()+oneDay);








<script lang=javascript>





working days = total days - weekend days. So we need to calculate how many weekend days there are.

I think we could use a loop something like this:

var total_days = x; //the difference you have already calculated between dates
var first_day = y;  //1-7 1 1 for monday, 7 for sunday, we need to know what it is.
var current_day = first_day; //again 1-7
var total_free_days = 0;

for(i = 0; i<=total_days; i++)
  if((current_day >= 6)  //saturday or sunday
    if(current day == 7) //if sunday, make it monday
      current_day = 1;
    else currrent_day = 7; //if saturnday, make it sunday
  else current_day++;  //if workday, just make next day

I have not tested it but I think its something like this :)

Edit: the only problem is to find what is the first day - monday or what.. But maybe that date picker can get it

I just want to check why loop is not adding correct values, also if alert Loop date it shows 1 may , may be this is issue

oh, just checked your code, its similar to mine :) you wrote your code, while I was writing my one, so that's why I didn't see earlier :)



it show one month plus



it show one month plus

probably it is because it start counting montht from zero. If you enter 0, then it shows january

there are examples http://www.w3schools.com/jS/js_obj_date.asp

var myDate=new Date();
var today = new Date();

if (myDate>today)
  alert("Today is before 14th January 2010");
  alert("Today is after 14th January 2010");
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