PHP scripting language have an built in function to change between the timezones , you will need the PEAR package . In the following example show you how to convert from GMT system format to IST Format .

// include class
include ("Date.php");

// initialize object
$d = new Date("2008-10-03 16:23:48");

// set server time zone

// print server time
echo "Local time is " . $d->format("%A, %d %B %Y %T") . "\n";

// convert to IST

// output converted date/time
echo "Destination time is " . $d->format("%A, %d %B %Y %T");


sorry i am not sure about the code (pear package for date)
but i used to change the timezone as following

	$date = date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s:c A');

Just give it a try

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