I've been trying out arrays recently, and this is my coding:

$data = array('autoguide1'=>'car',
              'php'=>'hypertext processor');

echo http_build_query($data); // autoguide1=car&baz=boom&scotland=haggis&php=hypertext+processor
echo http_build_query($data, '', '&amp;'); // foo=bar&amp;baz=boom&amp;cow=milk&amp;php=hypertext+processor


What I want to try and do is make my PHP code run so that I can include a file from another page on my site, e.g.

and depending on the URL it will take the array and use the generated query string.


Do you mean you want to generate a hyper link on the page using the the items in the array? Sort of like this:

echo '<a href="http://mysitehere-localhost.com/testing.php?yourpage' . http_build_query($data) . '">my link</a>';

The 'yourpage' bit of the link is throwing me (what's it for?) a bit so maybe I haven't quite got what you want to do.

Sorry if I have misunderstood, hope this helps ...

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