New to JavaScripting and copying information out of a book. I understand the concept of the code but I do not know why it is not working. I can type info in both boxes but the information does not add. Tried it in three browser FF, IE, and Chrome.

<title>Array Sorting Example</title>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="sort.js">
<h1>Sorting String Arrays</h1>
<p>Enter two or more names in the field below, and the sorted list of names will appear in the text area.</p>
<form name="theform">
<input type="text" name=newname" size="20">
<input type="button" name="addname" value="Add"
<h2>Sorted Names</h2>
<textarea cols="60" rows="10" name="sorted">
The sorted names will appear here.
// initialize the counter and the array
var numnames=0;
var names = new Array();

function SortNames() {
	// Get the name from the text field
	// Add the name to the array
	// Increment the counter
	// Sort the array

Sorry was missing quotation marks. Took me 2 hrs to find it.

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