I want to change cursor type & backcolor when mouse moves over a td,Suppose I want to chnage the cursor to Hand, & backcolor to Blue on mouse move, & on mouse leave i want to change the cursor to default..How to do it?????????

The below code should solve the problem...

onmouseover="style.backgroundColor='blue'"                 onmouseout="style.backgroundColor=''"                         style="cursor:pointer;">

Thru JS

<script type ="text/javascript"  >
    function onMouseMove()
    document.getElementById("1").style.backgroundColor ="skyblue";  
    document.body.style.cursor = 'hand';
    function onMouseLeave()
    document.getElementById("1").style.backgroundColor ="";
    document.body.style.cursor = "default";

<td  id="1" style="width: 98px; height: 46px;" onMouseOver="onMouseMove()" onMouseOut="onMouseLeave()">


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