Explain me the viewstate with the coding?Its too comfusing.

Suppose in textbox1.text contains ASP.net & I set EnableViewState to False of textbox,so when i click on button, textbox will still contains the text or not.

I see in forums,
<input type="hidden" name="_VIEWSTATE" id="_VIEWSTATE" value="/dfdfdfff"/>
Where can i see the above line in ASP.net?????/

--->Explain me the viewstate with the coding?

--->Suppose in textbox1.text contains ASP.net & I set EnableViewState to False of textbox,so when i click on button, textbox will still contains the text or not.
Yes..it will. Why ?
Check this:

--->Where can i see the above line in ASP.net?????/
You cannot see that in your .aspx. You can get that when only when you "View Source" of the page in your browser.

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