*Features: PostgreSQL is little bit better than MYSQL in terms of Features.MYSQL doesnot support subqueries, stored procedures,
cursors or views where as PostgreSQL supports.

*Support : Support can be of many things.MYSQL is much more widely used and supported than PostgreSQL.

*Speed: MYSQL is considered as a faster database while PostgreSQL while PostgreSQL is considered as a full-featured one.

*Stability: MYSQL is considered as a stable one when compared to PostgreSQL


I was going to post the full script but don't think it will ne needed.

Basically i have this query:

// query db 
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `userinformation` WHERE `username` LIKE '%$search%' OR `email` LIKE '%$search%' OR
				`id` LIKE '%$search%' OR `first_name` LIKE '%$search%' OR `last_name` LIKE '%$search%' ORDER BY id ASC") or die(mysql_error());

Now when i do a search for example ja in phpmyadmin it gives me 4 results as 4 people have a username that begins with ja yet my query on my search form above only brings back one result.

The query in phpmyadmin goes like:

FROM `userinformation`
WHERE `username` LIKE '%ja%'

I have tried numerous ways with no luck. apart from the additional OR the query is the same yet it only gives on result. I tried removing the or(s) althou that suppose to obviously give back more results based on the LIKE in the query.

Does anyone know what could be causing it to only give one result?

Any help much appreciated as always.


nav33n commented: What does "Mysql Vs PostgreSQL" got anything to do with this thread ? -1

*Features: PostgreSQL is little bit better than MYSQL in terms of Features.MYSQL doesnot support subqueries, stored procedures,
cursors or views where as PostgreSQL supports.

Not true.
MySQL has supported subqueries since 4.1. (Oct, 2004)
Stored Procedures, Cursors and Views were added in MySQL 5.0. (Oct, 2005)

Speed: MYSQL is considered as a faster database while PostgreSQL while PostgreSQL is considered as a full-featured one.

That varies greatly on what you are doing; how you are using the database. The idea that MySQL is faster and PostgreSQL is more feature-rich is ancient, and simply isn't true today.

There are of course differences in performance and feature sets, but the difference is far to small and subjective to support this rumor.

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