I have a php site with around 12 pages - where I wish to put a nice song from the index to the all pages without be interrupted by a click
outside from index page.
How I have to do or where I can find the script?
Thank you for your time,
and have a peacefully day!

Member Avatar for diafol

One way to do this would be to use ajax to refresh parts of the page. Clicking to a new page will interrupt the song. Mind, if the part refresh is a heavy load, you may find that your song is interrupted anyway. This means that you have one page only (index.php).

Another way (much frowned upon), would be to use frames, where only say the main frame was changed, leaving your song player object/whatever in the sidebar or the banner.

I really don't like suggesting the latter as we should be killing off frames not encouraging their use.

What happens if your visitors stay on the site for 20 minutes - will the song loop and loop and loop? Unless you're promoting/selling the music itself, ask yourself whether you really need it.

If you music is going to play automatically on index page load -
I find other people's taste in music does not match my own and usually reach for the mute button. Equally, I may be listening to Spotify or Internet radio when all of a sudden some webpage music ruins my day. This can be countered by giving the users a choice - i.e. "click to listen".

If you music is going to play automatically on index page load -
I find other people's taste in music does not match my own and usually reach for the mute button. Equally, I may be listening to Spotify or Internet radio when all of a sudden some webpage music ruins my day. This can be countered by giving the users a choice - i.e. "click to listen".

Yes, it's about a site where automatically start a very nice music on index.
Yes, I know about the fact that usually we listen music online and go online for information or... whatever... and it needs a button for stop the sound.
I'll make this.
But I want to know if I can put the music from the beganing (index) 'till the visitor leave the pages. Yes, maybe loop and on each page I'll put a button from where any time the music can be stop et.

Member Avatar for diafol

But I want to know if I can put the music from the beganing (index) 'till the visitor leave the pages. Yes, maybe loop and on each page I'll put a button from where any time the music can be stop et.

*sigh* Thought I answered that:

One way to do this would be to use ajax to refresh parts of the page. Clicking to a new page will interrupt the song. Mind, if the part refresh is a heavy load, you may find that your song is interrupted anyway. This means that you have one page only (index.php).

Another way (much frowned upon), would be to use frames, where only say the main frame was changed, leaving your song player object/whatever in the sidebar or the banner.

*sigh* Thought I answered that:

That's mean that is too difficult to do this and better I have to leave it. I didn't know that is so heavy..
I am not a webmaster..
But , at last I understand that better not.
Thank you for your help! :)

Member Avatar for diafol

It's not difficult - just unnecessary in my opinion. However, for a quick fix, you can load your entire site into a frame and have a small (even invisible frame) with your player embedded into it hold the rest of it. This should work.

dont do it, there are too many annoying sites

<embed src="swf/MusicX2.mp3" autostart="true" hidden="true" loop="true"></embed> put this code in ur index header area... with path where u put the mp3 file..

Member Avatar for diafol

dont do it, there are too many annoying sites

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