I’ve been trying to wrap my brain around this now for days,
and I’m getting nowhere, so please bear with me…

To Remove file on click of linkbutton I have below code:

aspx page:

<asp:LinkButton ID="RemovefileId" runat="server" CommandName="RemoveFile"  OnCommand="RemoveFilefunction" CommandArgument=<%#Eval("filepath")%>>LinkButton</asp:LinkButton>

aspx.cs page

protected void RemoveFilefunction(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
            string x = e.CommandArgument.ToString();//why Here x is empty string 
  //If U have any idea to delete file then help me..

plz tell me any wrong in aspx file.

Recommended Answers

All 2 Replies

System.IO.File.Delete method.

for example,


I’ve been trying to wrap my brain around this now for days,
and I’m getting nowhere, so please bear with me…

To Remove file on click of linkbutton I have below code:

aspx page:

<asp:LinkButton ID="RemovefileId" runat="server" CommandName="RemoveFile"  OnCommand="RemoveFilefunction" CommandArgument=<%#Eval("filepath")%>>LinkButton</asp:LinkButton>

aspx.cs page

protected void RemoveFilefunction(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
            string x = e.CommandArgument.ToString();//why Here x is empty string 
  //If U have any idea to delete file then help me..

plz tell me any wrong in aspx file.

i think in aspx page u made a mistake..
i have tried this code and i m getting the CommandArguement value..
Modification...u need to do..


i hope this modification will solve the problem

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