Hi Everyone,

I have a doubt in Ajax Autocomplete Extender, im learning ASP.net with C# for 3 days and im unable to understand. i tried some code which is in forums but when i try to connect to my database it fails to retrive data from database i dont know what is happening there also. please someone with genius out there help me please. im using visual studio 2008 asp.net 3.5. Each and everyword from u people are important for me so please reply me as soon as possible. this is the first time im posting in forum if did any mistake or u unable to understand my question please forgive me.. Thanks and Sorry in advance


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All 3 Replies

What is your doubt and what you are unable to understand?? would you elaborate on this...

hi yousuf,
Thanks a lot for replying me, coming to my doubt in visual studio 2008 i opened a default page and i placed a textbox, script manager and ajax autocomplete extender then i created webservice.asmx and xml file where i have my data to be displayed in autocompleteextender, im sorry that my code is messed up and im unable to produce it at present. can u please give me any sample code using xml file that will be great help for me i ll collect my code and forward it later please. waiting for ur kind reply.

thanks once again,

hi yousuf,
Thanks a lot for replying me, coming to my doubt in visual studio 2008 i opened a default page and i placed a textbox, script manager and ajax autocomplete extender then i created webservice.asmx and xml file where i have my data to be displayed in autocompleteextender, im sorry that my code is messed up and im unable to produce it at present. can u please give me any sample code using xml file that will be great help for me i ll collect my code and forward it later please. waiting for ur kind reply.

thanks once again,

Hi Sona

Here you go...


<asp:TextBox ID="txtProductCode" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                    <cc1:AutoCompleteExtender ID="AutoCompleteExtender1" runat="server" ServicePath="AutoCompleteProductCode.asmx"
                        ServiceMethod="GetProductDescBynumber" MinimumPrefixLength="1" CompletionSetCount="10"
                        EnableCaching="false" TargetControlID="txtProductCode" OnClientItemSelected="PartNoSelected">

Code behind

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

        If Not IsPostBack Then

            Page.RegisterStartupScript("script1", getScript())
         End If

    End Sub
Private Function getScript() As String

        myStr.Append("<script language=Javascript>")
        myStr.Append("function PartNoSelected( source, eventArgs ) ")
        'myStr.Append("var txtProductDesc = window.document.getElementById('<%=txtProductDesc.ClientID %>');")
        myStr.Append("var txtProductDesc = document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtProductDesc');")

        myStr.Append("txtProductDesc.value = eventArgs.get_value();")
        Return myStr.ToString
    End Function


<WebMethod()> _
    Public Function GetProductDescBynumber(ByVal prefixText As String, ByVal count As Integer) As String()
        Dim obj As New BusinessLayer_Test_DAAB3
        Return obj.GetProductDescBynumber(prefixText, count)'// get your data from xml or DB
    End Function

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