Hi, I need to write a php code that search from multiple tables and here is the problem:

$query = "SELECT * FROM table1, table2, table3, table4 WHERE $kategorija LIKE '%".$kriterium."%'";

The results that were given were multiplicated (hundreds copies of the same data).

I am new and can somebody help?

The question is why the results are multiplicated???

Your question is not very clear but I think you can use DISTINCT clause like this:

Select DISTINCT * From <tables.............> WHERE ................

Your question is not very clear but I think you can use DISTINCT clause like this:

Select DISTINCT * From <tables.............> WHERE ................

thanks, I tried but the result is the same

the problem is when I'll write a name, it will find it and will display it 125, 250 or much more times than it should. If there is 1 matcing result it will display 125 multiplications, for 2 - 250 multiplications, for 5 - 625 etc.

How are the four tables related?
Are there primary keys / foreign key relationships between the tables.

For query to work, you need to provide more details. How many tables are there, what column you want to pick and what are the primary and foreign keys.

I use a list of 5 categories and one text field for the criteria.
The tables have 10 columns and the data is not repeating only in the first.
I have 4 tables, all have primary key and the other 3 tables are related to the first
But whatever I change in the relations the result is the same, multiplicated results and for every new row of data I'll enter the number of the multiplicatios is incrreased.
As a result I want to be displaied all columns from all tables( all 10 columns but for the row that I entered as a criteria)in one big table.

You need to use a JOIN of any type along with the DISTINCT to prevent duplication. Since you have not submitted the table structure, I would assume:

Suppose your first primary table's primary column is: FID. All the other tables are linked to this column of the first table.

So you need to modify your query somewhat like this:

$query = "SELECT * FROM table1, table2, table3, table4 WHERE $kategorija LIKE '%".$kriterium."%'" AND table1.FID = table2.FID AND table1.FID = table3.FID AND table1.FID = table4.FID;

Thanks a lot, this was the answer :)

$query = "SELECT * FROM table1, table2, table3, table4 WHERE $kategorija LIKE '%".$kriterium."%'" AND table1.FID = table2.FID AND table1.FID = table3.FID AND table1.FID = table4.FID;

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